Tuesday, September 23, 2008

meeting with amy.


it's tierre.

so i had a meeting with amy.
i picked a topic that i am not very good at, which was time management.
we talked about how i can improve in this area
a few ideas included:
put information in my planner - which i have been doing and it is really helping me
also, i need to stay on campus to study, so that helps me
one last strategy that i have been trying to use is really looking at my calendar and planning in advance.
overall i am making progress.
thanks for the advice amy.

love you lots.
it's been tierre.

Friday, September 12, 2008

hula, huh!


its tierre.

after we read "A Child of God" article
we did a dance.
it was a HULA.
here are the words:
  1. welcome correction.
  2. keep commitment.
  3. work hard.
  4. help others.
  5. expect resistance. OVERCOME huh!

all this great stuff!
who knew this class was so CRAZY!
i did!

love you lots.
its been tierre.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Child of God

it's tierre again.

Read "A Child of God".
It's by Elder Henry B. Eyring.
I suggest that everyone read it.
It teaches important principles about excellent learners.
They really apply to everyone.
You should read it.

love you lots.
it's been tierre.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

University Life Week 1

it's tierre.

Life so far at college... has been interesting.
but don't worry i won't go into all of that. 
this is about my University 101 class at Brigham Young Unviersity. 
it all started with INTRODUCTIONS on DAY 1 and here are some of the things i have learned about the kids in our class:
  • everyone in the class loves to talk
  • Isaac is really from New York, not Utah
  • JaNae's last name means "the enemy" (should i be scared?)
  • two of the girls in that class are in my modern class, too
  • and one is afraid of balloons (this presents a problem because i really love balloons, i can even make a balloon arch... it is a strange talent)
i will update you after the rest of introductions next week...

love you lots.
it's been tierre.