Friday, October 3, 2008

BYU Library

as usual

it's tierre.

today we are learning about the library.
we started by going to the library's website at
cool things that we found about the library included:
  • info about Dial "M" for Murder
  • how to contact Saint Matthew (i am not going to put his number here because that would be creepy)
  • the tutorial under library instruction on the Harold B. Lee webpage
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday there is a lab in Room 2231 - this is a great tool to help you with research and paper writing
  • on the website: general search page, which is helpful for general and background research and it tells you where to go in the library to get more information on that subject
  • another cool thing the website does is put a star on a map of the library where the book you are looking for is located
3 things I must remember:
  1. reference desk
  2. the lab
  3. subject librarians
and finally... something to blow your mind...
the ebsco host database
you can add any sites to your folder of info
then export to RefWorks
and it helps you make the bibliography.
just go and select your style and then viola, you have a bibliography!

i hope all this info helps.
and a special thanks to Matt.

as usual
it's been tierre.