Thursday, October 16, 2008

the museum. is life?
it's tierre.

today i visited the Education in Zion Exhibit.
it is full of really cool things and i recommend that everyone visit it.
there was something cool that i learned:

i was just thinking about how grateful i was that we have modern conviences in our education
it watched a video about schools at the very beginning of the church's establishment
and what they were like back then
it was interesting the conditions that the players were in:
  • the schoolhouses were old and very small buildings
  • the children wrote on slates 
  • sometimes they even used branches and carved into them with sticks
this really got me to thinking that there are a lot of things that i should really be grateful for here at Brigham Young University.
the buildings are beautiful and immaculate
there are places to eat and multiple resources
we have not only great professors but times and places that we can meet with them individually
there are so many things that i don't appreciate enough and i just thougt that everyone should know about them
i am grateful for many blessings that this university provides to all of it's students.
it truly is a School in Zion!

it's been tierre.